Compact Depth Vanity Units
If your bathroom struggles to fit a standard sink in a tight space, our collections of compact depth and slimline vanity units might be the solution to the problem. Often specified in smaller bathrooms where the basin projection may impede a door opening, or another piece of sanitaryware, these smaller configurations make use of clever design features to allow handwashing capabilities and some functional storage.
Many standard vanity units measure around 400-450mm deep, whereas these compact depth units are usually less than 350mm when taking into account the basin size. For the tighest of spaces, several of our slimline units measure less than 250mm deep. These units often use basins with side tap holes instead of a rear tap ledge to help achieve this.
Check out our clever and functional designs below, with innovative solutions from leading brands like Hudson Reed and Nuie. Multitudes of colours and configurations ensure that you don't have to sacrifice style, no matter how small your bathroom may be!
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